Wednesday, October 29, 2014

After a brief hiatus....

Student loan issues have been dragging me down a bit. As much as I'm optimistic about repayment and Public Service Loan Forgiveness, it is a long, hard road. It's normal to doubt oneself sometimes, I think. I find myself alternating between optimism and raging helplessness (usually after talking to my loan servicer). Students (current and former) are under a great deal of pressure from many sources. One has to find a job to pay the bills and cover student loan payments. If someone hopes to qualify for PSLF, then the employment must be qualifying employment. Ideally, the job should be enjoyable, or at least tolerable. Finding that sweet spot job may take awhile. The temptation to take any paid position is there. Is going to school for a dream career still worth it? I think so, most time.

Anyhow, sorry for the rant there. I came across this article about the psychological aspects of student loan debt. It's both common sense and mojo-killing.

To balance out the negativity of the last link, view this :)

I took a brief hiatus from this blog in order to do a couple of things. For one, I am helping found a non-profit corporation. One of the goals of this company is to provide employment, either directly or through networking, to people who need to reach 30 hours per week for PSLF purposes. Adjunct instructors and part-timers may find this useful. Some people work 28 hours per week (for example), and have a hard time finding that other two. I think this could be a good thing. We are currently getting together our 501c3 (tax exempt) paperwork for the IRS. I'll keep everyone posted on this!

On another note, here is your student loan news for the day :) More to come tomorrow.

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