Friday, November 14, 2014

Living expenses and financial aid.

 The Chronicle of Higher Education has an informative article about the cost of living expenses when going to college. This was the main thorn in my side when working on my doctorate. Even with a roommate for most of my PhD, the cost of rent, car payments (for an old, but reliable, car), utilities, internet, food, gasoline, etc. really added up. Thankfully, the area in which I live has reasonable rental options compared to places such as New York City, Boston, or San Francisco. 

People in authority often give advice that students should commute from home, share a house with 7 people, find that magical living space that is safe and inexpensive, live off of Ramen noodles, and sell plasma for book costs in order to reduce living expenses. Some of that advice is spot on, but it won't work for all people. Sometimes a long commute does not actually save money. Grad school debt is also rising alarmingly, and the solution isn't simply reducing expenses. Most students live rather minimalist lives as it is.

So, what can be done? Perhaps better funding at state colleges for grad students engaged in long programs of study. Also, there are creative ways for students to earn extra money. Here's an article from Lifehacker about how to earn extra money (some active, some passive). I plan on trying some of them to help my broke self. I'll keep you posted on what works!

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